Darling, you have no idea just how powerful you really are.

The night was quiet aboard the Finalizer , the stars bright against the obsidian background of the sky.Light sapphire colored orbs gleam from the reflection of the stars, breath easy and calm. Leather encased fingers flexed out slightly, her hands hanging gently at her sides.Eyelids fluttering closed, chin turning upward just barely as her breath drew in slowly. It was rare she was given a chance to relax, or even think to herself without orders consuming the confines within her mind.Letting go of her thoughts, her body relaxes. Blissful silence that surrounded her filling her ears, a rare and beautiful occurance that she was very much going to take advantage of.But unfortunately, with allowing her mind to draw completely blank, her guard was left vulnerable. Allowing the bitter memories from her past to flow in like a damaged wall to a dam. Roaring and ready to burst.The once silence that filled her ears replaced by the haunting screams of innocents, the images of crimson liquid dripping off and staining the once white armor of the troopers that came into her home, replacing the once peaceful nothing behind closed eyelids.Jaw tensing, her hands curled into tightly bound fists out of sheer habit as the memories grew stronger. Her brows furrow harshly, nose wrinkling in disgusted anger.
Despite her best efforts at trying to calm herself down and shake the traumatic images out, something wanted to take over.Something.. powerful.Valaris opened her eyes with a soft gasp, blinking a few times and glancing around.She felt something, she was sure of it, but no one was near. An overwhelming feeling of connection to everything around her, like a circuit board to a piece of machinery.Turning herself away from the glass that was seperating her from the glimmering sky, she noticed the room didn’t look quite the same as it did earlier. A desk and weapons locker had been moved out from their once organized state.Bright hues narrow at the sight of deep marks embetted into the smooth flooring, caused by the heavy furniture scraping across.The locker had slanted torwards her, the desk a good foot away from where she was standing, tilted in the same manner as the locker had been.“What..?”She breathed out, confusion taking over completely as the feeling she had moments ago faded away. Her hands trembled as she released the tension that bound fingers into tight balls.Gritting teeth she bared a low growl, shaking her head. A sharp noise and an assertive voice over the intercom catches her attention; hues shifting up as she listens.
It was a simple order blurting out for her to report back down to the Hangar for a repair.A soft sigh leaving pink tinted lips as hues return back to the misplaced furniture around her.The door to the room slid open with a deep hum, a fellow Lieutenant entering and looking around in curiosity before settling his eyes upon her.“ Is.. everything alright, Valaris?”He asked in a questioning tone, gaze unwavering.“ Yes.”A quick breathy answer that she wasn’t so sure of herself, hues glancing down at the floor before she made eye contact with the other across the room.Straightening her posture and fixing faulted tone, she cleared her throat dryly.“ Everything is fine.”Behind calm demeanor was fear, confusion plaguing her mind as thoughts try to piece together what had just happened.The feeling that arose in her felt like a shockwave. A magnetic type static coursing throughout her veins and up to her fingertips.Metal taste lacing the tastebuds within her mouth, feet glued to the flooring beneath her.Consuming her and taking over her entirety for only a few moments, but she knew that whatever it was; it was powerful and without a doubt, dangerous.